Auteur: sixdiamants

How to use knowledge graphs in UML

Platonic UML The U in UML is short for Unified though the UML is mainly used for software engineering. Yet the UML has spread beyond software and is now commonly used to model technical systems and even more general knowledge about non-technical societal systems. As people stood back and reflected on the nature of modelling

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Tekeningondersteund Linked Data modelleren Dit verhaal is geïnspireerd door de reeks artikelen van Holger Knublauch over Shacl. Doel was het dichten van de mentale kloof tussen menselijk begrip welk vaak op beelden steunt, en triples, die minder sympathiek zijn voor de mens. Om te tonen hoe dit werkt, heb ik in een Visio diagram een

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Drawing Linked Data

  Schematic drawings can be considered front-ends to data. Each shape on the drawing carries information that can be captured as properties. Shapes have links to other shapes, e.g. a signal is located next to a track at a given distance along the track. This article explores how Visio extracts the data from the schematic

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Walk the line

Selecting en route signals A common planning chore is to retrieve a list of objects encountered when travelling down a path through the network. This is a little more complex than finding a shortest path because of challenges such as  the downstream objects often have a “working direction” and may be only of interest if

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Computing distance-along

Making schematic drawings talk Distance – what’s the point ? Designers of networks, be it railway or telecoms, often face the question “how long is …” or “how far to…”. User stories abound, surely you can think of many more: Getting the answer wrong has nasty consequences. Manual calculation, or even copy-pasting data into spreadsheets

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What you see is what you get

CAD drawing is an art that few master. The threshold to drawing a design in Microsoft Visio is much lower. Check out how you can use Visio as a fully fledged CAD tool. Cheap and powerful. A picture is worth a thousand words. Just imagine how many bytes are stuffed in below picture. The only

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In de 19e eeuw en tot diep in de 20e eeuw werd het woord ijzerweg gebruikt om spoorweg aan te duiden. Het is natuurlijk een letterlijke vertaling van chemin de fer en kwam daarom voornamelijk in het zuiden des lands voor.

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